Welcome to our little blog. Herein you will find the daily goings-on at our humble little abode in the middle of Nowhereville, mixed with a little bit of this and that. And now, the stars of these shenanigans (except me):
Thanks to Rae Ann over at Critical Mass and The Button Box for giving my humble little blog a makeover. She did a great job! Maybe now I'll get myself in gear and start posting again!
<center><a href="http://thirtyfourmilepizza.blogspot.com" target="_blank"><img vspace="10" alt="Button by The Button Box" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgCRsIsc_90YzcFbif5F9DW-UDvqpZTpDQUZcWpBoSnwnTfIvvRJ8uUVvxrhq471OzLPQYRu_wCJT_wjYed9hX4ROrNJ4yF6vjIkKE0HFCIQOxjulySPvkVU7V51mYbIMAOF7xh0jFn1So/s400/Pizza-box-button.gif"/></a></center>