Welcome to our little blog. Herein you will find the daily goings-on at our humble little abode in the middle of Nowhereville, mixed with a little bit of this and that. And now, the stars of these shenanigans (except me):
Marv, the Husband
Airman Scootie
Sissy, the Teenage Drama Queen
RTD, Hard Working Dog
BTK, Ruler of All (and his Buddy)
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Thanks to Rae Ann over at Critical Mass and The Button Box for giving my humble little blog a makeover. She did a great job! Maybe now I'll get myself in gear and start posting again!
<center><a href="http://thirtyfourmilepizza.blogspot.com" target="_blank"><img vspace="10" alt="Button by The Button Box" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgCRsIsc_90YzcFbif5F9DW-UDvqpZTpDQUZcWpBoSnwnTfIvvRJ8uUVvxrhq471OzLPQYRu_wCJT_wjYed9hX4ROrNJ4yF6vjIkKE0HFCIQOxjulySPvkVU7V51mYbIMAOF7xh0jFn1So/s400/Pizza-box-button.gif"/></a></center>
Looks good!